Humi Expert - Refrigeration Humidity Control Thessaloniki - Refrigeration Humidity Thessaloniki - Refrigeration Filters Thessaloniki

Humi Expert - Refrigeration Humidity Control Thessaloniki - Refrigeration Humidity Thessaloniki - Refrigeration Filters Thessaloniki

20038 Visitors:
Address: Florinis 38
Area: Thessaloniki
Telephone: 2310620133
Mobile: 6972339157
P.C.: 56431
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Humiexpert, applying innovative methods in refrigerator operation management, balances the action of all the above factors, ensuring optimum climatic and energy operating conditions and maximizing the business equipment. This translates into immediate visible qualitative and economic benefits. Up to 200% increase in shelf life of products 30% to 60% reduction in operating and maintenance costs of refrigeration chambers Reduce chamber temperature recovery time by 30% -50% Keep tempera...
20038 Visitors:

Florinis 38, Thessaloniki

20038 Visitors:

Humiexpert, applying innovative methods in refrigerator operation management, balances the action of all the above factors, ensuring optimum climatic and energy operating conditions and maximizing the business equipment. This translates into immediate visible qualitative and economic benefits.

Up to 200% increase in shelf life of products

30% to 60% reduction in operating and maintenance costs of refrigeration chambers

Reduce chamber temperature recovery time by 30% -50%

Keep temperature and humidity at the desired level depending on the storage product

Improving the quality and appearance of products

Drastic reduction in the likelihood of cross contamination of food

Reduce odors and bacteria

90% reduction in gases such as ethylene and ammonia

Increase the hygiene of the room by avoiding mold

Automation of food hygiene monitoring procedures

Timely detection of cooling equipment faults

Humiexpert's services embrace all the processes involved in industrial cooling and product quality management. Our systems and methods automate the procedures for monitoring and controlling equipment, the climate of the booths, the hygiene and quality of products and their storage areas.

We provide a free visit by qualified personnel to your area for refrigerator control and a proposal for a quality and energy improvement system.



Humi Expert - Cooling Boiler Humidity Control Thessaloniki Automatic Adjustment of Operating Parameters of Refrigerators
Humi Expert - Cooling Boiler Humidity Control Thessaloniki Automatic and Timely Diagnosis of Equipment Damage
Humi Expert - Cooling Boiler Humidity Control Thessaloniki Equipment Performance Evaluation
Humi Expert - Cooling Boiler Humidity Control Thessaloniki Remote Control And Paging
Humi Expert - Cooling Boiler Humidity Control Thessaloniki Installation And Replacement Of Airborne Bacteria Absorption Filters
20038 Visitors:

Florinis 38

Telephone: 2310620133
Mobile: 6972339157

Working Hours
